Smoke Cleansing with Bayabas
“Bayabas” (bah-YAH-bas), guava leaves, was traditionally used by a number of Indigenous Filipinos from different tribes and ethnic groups as a spiritual cleansing tool to purify or “pausok” (pah-OO-sok) 'to smoke' negative energies from the environment. The smoke produced by the bayabas leaves is used for ceremonies and offerings to deities but it has more to offer than that. Some cleansing rituals, like burning incense and smudge sticks have been used mainly to cleanse a space, dwelling, human auric field, items and more.
The word ‘incense’ can be traced back to the Latin word "incendere," which means 'to burn.' The use of incense has been documented throughout human history and is associated with various spiritual and cultural practices. Incense is commonly used in many religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, where it is burned as an offering to deities or to purify a space.
For centuries, ‘smudging’ has been a part of many cultures and traditions around the world. It has a rich history and has been used by Indigenous peoples across North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. In these cultures, smudging is a sacred ritual that helps to connect individuals to their ancestors and to the natural world. Even today, smudging remains an essential practice for many people who seek to purify and cleanse their homes, bodies, and spirits.
Sacred smoke created from burning medicinal or sacred plants is an aspect of many cultures and religions worldwide. Today, the practice of using smoke from burning sacred herbs is used to celebrate religious rites, ceremonies, and offerings to deities. In the Philippines, it is still used today by medicine men and women to treat many conditions.
Smoke cleansing is beneficial for cleansing crystals, gemstones, altars, sacred books, or other spiritual items. You can also use it to clean your own aura, the spaces of your home, car, or work area. It can be a helpful tool for cleansing a space before ceremonies, blessings, get-togethers, and meetings to lighten up the mood and clear out negative energies.
A paper titled “Medicinal Smokes” concluded in 2006 that the smoke from certain types of plants is not harmful to the lungs, contrary to common belief. Instead, conclusive evidence suggests that smoke cleansing can help those people affected by poor air quality, such as those suffering from cough, colds, asthma, migraines, and many others[1].
Another paper published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology examined the purifying potential and ability of smoke-based remedies. Researchers discovered that in addition to the many health benefits, the smoke is a powerful antiseptic, demonstrating that using medicinal smoke can eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the air within a confined space[2].
Our hand-rolled, bayabas incense sticks are ethically harvested during the seasonal trimming of our guava trees. To use our bayabas incense stick for your smoke cleansing rituals, set an intention or prayer, safely light the incense stick until it smokes, then smoke in a clockwise manner to invite in protection and purification. Use caution when handling fire; place the incense stick away from curtains, paper and other flammable objects.
The use of bayabas for smoke cleansing rituals is deeply rooted in Filipino culture and tradition. This practice holds a significant role in connecting individuals with their ancestors and the environment, while also promoting overall wellness and balance.
1. Medicinal Smokes
Mohagheghzadeh, A., Faridi, P., Shams-Ardakani, M., & Ghasemi, Y. (2006). Medicinal Smokes. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2006.09.005
2. Medicinal Smoke Reduces Airborne Bacteria
Nautiyal, C. S., Chauhan, P. S., & Nene, Y. L. (2007). Medicinal smoke reduces airborne bacteria. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 114(3), 446–451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2007.08.038